S.32: Friedman (1998) observes that "a single program incorporates many different algorithms, some invented by the programmer, some borrowed from general practice and some perhaps deliberately copied from a known originator. If algorithms are private property the costs of figuring out which of the ones you are using belong to whom and negotiating the necessary licences may be high. So the argument against making algorithms private property is similar to the argument against making words private property", (Friedman p.379). None of these effects is unique to the software industry as Varian and Schapiro (1999) point out. However they would appear to be particularly pronounced in this area. Many industries experience incremental innovation but the effect noted by Friedman is thought to be especially pronounced in this area. Friedman also argues that "programming exhibits extreme diseconomies of scale" and argues that these two factors alone "argue against patent protection" for software. If it is true that much software can be developed or at least incrementally improved in socially useful ways at relatively low cost, the force of the argument that we need strong protection to ensure innovation is diminished. The fact remains that even if this is true the costs of bringing products to market remain high. Nevertheless, many authors stress the fact that much of the basis for current generations of software was laid in a period before US firms became accustomed to patenting software, and indeed the high valuations placed on "dot.com" share offerings currently suggest that firms can sometimes raise money without being able to patent business methods. *FRIEDMAN, D. "Computer Law", New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, ed. P Newman, Macmillan, 1998